Saturday, July 14, 2007

The beginning...

To keep up with everyone else, I decided to start blogging! I love reading what everyone else is up to, day to day, so this is an open window into my life, the day to day drama or lack thereof. =)
With everyone spreading out and getting married, it's tough to keep in touch sometimes...
As I'm writing this, Justin is laying next to me on the couch and I look at the tv and there he is watching a soccer game.
Emily: "oh man, is this what i have to put up with for the rest of my life?"
Justin: "No, just while you're on the computer."
So it looks like we both will have alot of blogging and soccer to look forward to in the future. =)


Short Stop said...

YAY! Welcome to bloggyville! I'm glad that we'll get to see what you're up to this way! :)

Rach said...

aren't you cute :)